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6 Yoga Poses to Help You Train Like an Athlete

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Yoga is certainly about the spiritual side of things, but it is absolutely possible to build plenty of strength and tone the body with the right poses. I recently chatted with Eoin Finn of Blissology Yoga at Wanderlust Whistler about poses that will help an existing yoga practice and also improve your strength and stamina in other workouts. It's all about working with your body's weight!

Straight-Arm Plank works the whole body — especially the legs, arms, and abs. Eoin loves this pose, since it forces the body to train itself to maintain alignment and keep joints safe.
  • Start resting on all fours.
  • With your palms flat, raise up off your knees onto your toes. Keep your hands directly below your shoulders.
  • Contract your abs to keep yourself up and prevent your bottom from sticking up. Remember to keep your belly button pulled in.
  • With your head and spine in line, keep your back flat — don't let it curve. Picture your body as a long, straight board.
  • Hold for at least 10 seconds. Aim for 20 to 30 seconds in the beginning and work your way up to one minute as you get stronger.

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