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Let Go of Those Love Handles! A Yoga Sequence to Trim Away Your Tummy

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Become a Crow master already? It's time to tackle a more challenging pose. The Arm Balancing Split not only requires upper-body and core strength but also takes some major hamstring and hip flexibility. Graceful and bold, the pose may look too crazy to attempt, but if you follow these step-by-step instructions, you'll be mastering it in no time.

  • Come into Warrior 1 with your right foot forward. Lower your hands and back knee to the ground. Hold here for five breaths, stretching through the hips.
  • Pick up your back knee, balancing on the ball of the back foot. Crawl your right shoulder as far underneath your right thigh as possible, and plant your right hand next to the outside edge of your right foot. Hold for another five breaths, deepening the stretch.

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