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Twist Out Toxins With Heat-Building Yoga

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The twisted arms in Eagle open up tight, stressed shoulders, while the bottom of your body gets its own deep twist:
  • From Chair Pose, stand up tall for a few moments in Mountain Pose.
  • Shift weight onto your left foot, and lift your right knee up toward your chest. Cross your right knee in front of your left knee, and bend both knees slightly, trying to wrap your right toes around the back of your left calf.
  • Cross your left elbow over your right elbow. Work on bringing your left fingertips toward the base of your right palm, and then lift your elbows straight up toward the ceiling.
  • Stay here for five breaths, release, and then do the other side.

Twisting the torso to one side increases flexibility in your spine, but you'll be bringing the fire to your legs, as well, in Side Fierce:
  • From Eagle Pose, untwist your arms and come back into Chair Pose.
  • On your exhale, cross your left elbow over to your outer right knee. Press your palms together, and actively push your bottom elbow against your thigh to lift and rotate your chest up, increasing the twist. Pull your right left back slightly, making sure both knees are parallel.
  • If you feel stable in this pose, take a more advanced variation. Place your left palm on the ground, and let your right arm float up toward the ceiling, with your palm facing forward.
  • Stay for five breaths. Then inhale as you press into your feet and lift your torso, rising back into Fierce pose. If you can, refrain from straightening your legs to keep your quads and glutes engaged.
  • Exhale to cross your right elbow over your left outer knee, holding for another five breaths on this side.

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